Saturday, December 13, 2008


So Joe the Plumber's book is out any day now

I know I'm a little late on this but I've had a long day of kid's movies, Xbox, and frisbee golf to get away from the days of work I've racked up this week.

While I don't think anybody but the marketing folks at Pearl Gate Publishing are excited, neither does everyone seem as vehement as Timothy Egan, though I did pick up the article off my regular circuit of blogs. However, as usual, my environmental-science-major-biology-minor boyfriend gave me a diferent opinion. Missing the gravity of the situation, he mostly just felt that shit happens so you might as well just deal and move on.

Unfortunately, as a college student starting to plan her future in a faltering economy, this bothers me. Combine that with Joe's pay and the recent numbers from Sarah Silverman's and Jerry Seinfeld's advances, and I get a little pissed. It's like GM spending $x-millions to design a custom Hummer with nuclear moose-targeting missiles for Sarah Palin--yeah they're going to make some money off of it, but is that really the best thing to invest in right now?

And speaking of Sarah Palin, in case you don't feel like clicking on the article link above, here's my favorite quote,

“I had great faith that, you know, perhaps when that voter entered that voting booth and closed that curtain that what would kick in for them was, perhaps, a bold step that would have to be taken in casting a vote for us, but having to put a lot of faith in that commitment we tried to articulate that we were the true change agent that would progress this nation.”

Literary agents across the country have their hands full trying to pick a tiny percentage of fantastic submissions to bring to a publishing house for publication. But she's got $7 million set aside for her advance? Let's hope it brings enough money back in so they can publish a slightly larger percentage of those fantastic submissions by serious, dedicated writers. Let's hope.

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